Born April 1955
Los Angeles, California
Currently living in Santa Fe, New Mexico


Art Center College of Design / Graphic Design /
BFA awarded with honors

Also studied at the following institutions:

California State University at Northridge

Regis University 

Hunter College

Columbia University


Owen Contemporary Gallery,
November 2021 - December 2023
Santa Fe, New Mexico


All the arts especially painting have always been
a part of my life. 

Upon entering college I would take art classes just for the fun of it, and soon I was being complimented and encouraged by my art instructors to pursue a career as an artist. This advice lead me to leaving the state university I was attending and enrolling at The Art Center College of Design. This was the pre-computer age so learning and developing your sketching, painting and what they called eye-hand-coordination skills was paramount. I thrived in this creative environment and could not wait to graduate so I could move to New York City to begin a career as a graphic and consumer packaging designer. 

Jump ten years into the future, I was burned out on big city life and began traveling to and exploring the American South West. This is when I created my own freelance design business and at the same time got back into painting. 

Over the course of many years I explored various styles of painting and found that the more I let go and just enjoyed the “act” of painting the more I was lead to becoming a nonrepresentational artist focusing on color and form. 


As I see it, thoughts create a series of vibrations that manifest as particles of light coming together to form our world. Everything is vibrating and alive with light.
My paintings represent this coming together of these particles of light that manifest our reality. This is also why I paint with bright colors. For me bright light colors are the best to represent these particles of light. I work with a base of traditional acrylic paint that I mix with fluorescent powders to create a cleaner brighter look.

If you wish to explore this concept of how light particles assemble to create our world, I suggest you research the book “Love without End” by Glenda Green. In this book Glenda explains this process in detail.